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Jessie Wilcox Smith Girl eating porridge
Green Tiger Press, Part One
In the ear­ly 1980s, there was a resur­gence of illus­trat­ed folk and fairy tales fea­tur­ing such Gold­en Age illus­tra­tors as Arthur Rack­ham, W. Heath Robin­son, Kay Nielsen, and Jessie Will­cox Smith. 
In the Small, Small Pond
Fresh­wa­ter Pearls
This col­umn dives into four Calde­cott pic­ture books that fea­ture fresh­wa­ter resources, pre­cious and lim­it­ed assets that sus­tain ter­res­tri­al life.
My Incredible India
My Incred­i­ble India
I am utter­ly mes­mer­ized by this book! The author and illus­tra­tor express their love for the won­ders of this vast and many-faceted coun­try, which shines from each dou­ble-page spread, irre­sistibly invit­ing the read­er to dis­cov­er more for the sheer joy of learning.
Not a Book about Bunnies
A Fun Rab­bit Habit
Rab­bits hop all through chil­dren’s books. And what’s not to like about them? We hope you’ll hop into the habit of rab­bit books this spring.
100 Mighty Dragons All Named Broccoli
Math for the Young Set
There are all kinds of ways to bring math into a young child’s life. Count birds out­side the win­dow. Talk about shapes and give them names. Dis­cuss mea­sure­ments while cook­ing. Our favorite way is to read sto­ries and look at pic­ture books, absorb­ing math con­cepts easily.
The Labors of Hercules Beal
The Labors of Her­cules Beal
There’s a right time for the right book. The time for this book is now. Read­ing it, you can­not help feel­ing hopeful.
Berry Song
Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence: Food for Thought
Fol­low­ing up on Gail Nord­strom and Hei­di Hammond’s Calde­cott Lines of Con­nec­tion arti­cle, “Food for Thought,” Gail decid­ed to give arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence a chal­lenge to write an arti­cle on the same top­ic. Here’s how it went down.
“Could You Just Add These Words?”
Reflect­ing on a request from the edi­tor after blurb­ing a book
Kather­ine Apple­gate and Gen­nifer Choldenko
Dog­town is a fun­ny, heart-warm­ing sto­ry about an ani­mal shel­ter from a dog’s point of view, writ­ten by col­lab­o­rat­ing authors Kather­ine Apple­gate and Gen­nifer Choldenko.
Thank You, Omu!
Food for Thought
Sean Sher­man, “In an epiphany, I tast­ed how food weaves peo­ple togeth­er, con­nects fam­i­lies through gen­er­a­tions, is a life force of iden­ti­ty and social struc­ture.” These for­mi­da­ble themes are cen­tral to recent Calde­cott Award books.
Going Down Home with Daddy
When Fam­i­lies Gather
In the midst of the hol­i­days, or at any gath­er­ing-time of year, these books are “just right” for read­ing out loud to young and old. Cel­e­brate family!
Toni Buzzeo
Toni Buzzeo
I most fer­vent­ly hope that my young read­ers will learn that the voic­es and opin­ions of chil­dren are impor­tant in any con­ver­sa­tion — that chil­dren, espe­cial­ly tweens and teens, are impor­tant con­trib­u­tors to fam­i­ly deci­sion-mak­ing and com­mu­ni­ty change.
Three Lines in a Circle
Life­long Learn­ers: Adults on the Rug
After four years of columns on pic­ture books as tools to build peace, we are bring­ing this chap­ter of the sto­ry to a close. We have enjoyed our time reflect­ing in com­mu­ni­ty, and we are deeply grate­ful for your read­er­ship and engagement.
Sarah Nelson revision
To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme
If you’ve ever dipped a toe into the children’s book pub­lish­ing world, you’ve prob­a­bly heard cau­tion­ary tales about writ­ing in rhyme. In short, most insid­ers say, “Please don’t rhyme.”

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